Explanation of a Mathematical Model for Determining the Probability of Whether an Employee May Leave or Stay in the Organization

Document Type : Research Paper


This research is based on a suggestive model presented by Ikwukannane (2007). According to this model, it is possible to determine the probability of employees' staying in the organization or leaving it. In this model the probability of staying or leaving (E-(p.i) or 1-(p.i)) is supposed to have positive relation with "intention to leave". Descriptive-survey and field study methods are used in this research. The research population contains employees and managers of the higher education and research institute of Jihade Keshavarzi. The results indicated that the employees were not satisfied with their stay in the organization. Yet, they did not intend to leave it. The reasons of these results, which are different from dominant literature, may stem from other intervening factors, such as unemployment rate in Iran. However, the simple formula which is presented in this paper can be used as a proper instrument to find out the probability of staying or leaving of the employees to the organizations' managers and human resource strategists
