Factors affecting the satisfactory work environment in Mazandaran University

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Shomal unversity

2 2. Assistant Professor ,Faculty of Economic and Administrative Science, Mazandaran University, Mazandaran, Iran

3 faculty of Economic and Administrative, Mazandaran University, Manzandaran, Iran


The aim of the current research is to present a satisfactory working environment model in Mazandaran University with by using bibliometric method and topic analysis. This research is qualitative, fundamental in terms of purpose and exploratory in terms of nature. The current qualitative research was developed in two stages. In the first step, by using a systematic review and using the bibliometric method, the relevant and important keywords of satisfactory work environment were discovered and identified through searching in the Scopus database, and in the second step, from where the information was obtained. From the first stage was limited and inappropriate, a semi-structured private interview was conducted in order to accurately determine the components and pay attention to the working environment with local indicators. In this step, the data collection tool is semi-structured internal interview and the data analysis method is theme analysis. In order to carry out the research, 8 specialists and experts, including the faculty members of Mazandaran University and managers who have been in management affairs for at least the last 5 years, are selected by purposeful sampling and with the snowball technique, and after analyzing the resulting data, It is done by interviewing them. These people, 83 codes, 21 sub-topics in the form of 7 main structures including "background characteristics", "technical facilities", "psychological stimuli", "social abilities", "organizational requirements", "cultural requirements" and " "Spiritual values" were formed and at the end, a comprehensive model of a satisfactory work environment was drawn in Mazandaran University.


Main Subjects

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