Future Research of Human Resource Sustainability in Steel Industry: An Analysis on Facilitating the Sustainability Development by Ambidextrous Learning

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD student, Department of Management, Dehagan branch, Islamic Azad University, Dehagan, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Department of Management, Dehagan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Dehagan, Iran


The purpose of this research is the future study of human resource sustainability in Steel Industry: by ambidextrous learning. In terms of the type of result, this study is considered applied, and from the point of view of the goal, it is placed in the category of exploratory studies that have been carried out using quantitative and qualitative models.

The present study does not follow one type of research method, but uses a separate method to answer the formulated questions according to each department. Therefore, based on the nature of collection, this study can be classified as mixed research. The statistical population in the qualitative part was 12 experts in the field of public administration, and in the quantitative part 25 human resource managers of companies active in the steel industry participated in this study. The result of this study in the qualitative part of the existence of 3 categories; There were 13 components and 47 themes for the development of human resources sustainability, which were confirmed based on Delphi analysis. Then, by selecting 2 factors from the total identified components as the basis of scenario creation, 7 themes identified as sub-factors of scenario creation were examined.


Main Subjects

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