Discovering the Forming Factors, Characteristics and Components of Human Resource Jihadi State from the View of the Holy Qur'an

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Management Department, Faculty of Economics & Administrative Sciences, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran.

2 Management Department, Faculty of Economic & Administrative Sciences, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran.

3 Islamic Management Research Group, Research center for Islamic Studies in Humanities, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Khorasan Razavi, Iran


This study is intended to identify the characteristics and components of Jihadism and the forming factors of human resource attitudes and behavior. Hence, using the Qur’anic subject methodology, a series of related verses of the Holy Qur’an were reviewed, from which the notion of Jihadism and the influencing factors were extracted. The findings indicated that Jihad is a concept whose features are reflected in the form of twelve components and four dimensions including idealism, self-sacrificing, optimum absorption and rationality. In addition, it became evident that the roots of the formation and strengthening of this concepts rely on trust in God, practical commitment and value orientation of the people. In the meantime, trust and certainty of people, while influencing their values and interacting with each other, reinforce their Jihadi state. All in all, Jihadi human resources are motivated employees who are influential in their workplace and try to fulfill their valuable goals in a sacrificing and ideological orientated mood with the support of rationality and meditation.


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