Designing a Conceptual Framework for the Alignment of the Strategies of Human Resource and Organizational Culture

Document Type : Research Paper



This research is intended to design a conceptual framework for the alignment of the strategies of human resource and organizational culture in the National Gas Company of Iran. Some experts with appropriate administrative, instructive and research experience were selected as sample group by interviews and purposive sampling. 209 samples, according to Krejcie and Morgan Table, were studied by case study questionnaires in the testing phase. The validity of the research instruments was confirmed by the experts, and their reliability was tested by Cronbach’s Alpha. The acquired data was explained by Fuzzy Inference System and MATLAB software. Employing Fuzzy Inference Process, the model was designed in five phases in a tree of rules having two entrances, one exit, and nine rules. The results indicated that the strategies and practices of human resource management in the National Gas Company of Iran is not completely aligned with its special cultural situation. Hence, a conceptual framework was proposed for increasing alignment.


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