Generation z leadership model in organizations (systematic review)

Document Type : Research Paper


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2 تهران- خیابان آزادی، خیابان جیحون، خیابان طوس، کوچه اسفندیاری پلاک 7 واحد 4

3 Department of Business Management, Faculty of Management and Accounting, Allameh Tabataba`i University, Tehran, Iran.

4 Associate Professor of Management and Accounting, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran


People from different generations tend to have different views about the world of work. Especially generation Z employees may not have the same mindset as their peers. The present study reviewed the results of the studies conducted on generation Z leadership in organizations. This research is qualitative, applied, interpretive and inductive. Its information sources are articles published about the leadership of generation Z, in two databases, Scopus (Elsevier) and the Institute of Information Sciences, Science Network (Thomson Reuters). The selection of articles is based on the use of the considered indicators. The validity of the research was evaluated using the standard CASP checklist and its reliability was also evaluated and confirmed with the help of Cohen's kappa index. After combining the results of the reviewed studies, a model for generation Z leadership in organizations is presented. This model is formed from the two dimensions of valuing and personal development. Based on this, leadership in Generation Z is categorized into four styles: Servant, Coaching, Democratic and Transformational. The difference in leadership styles depends on the importance of each of the two identified dimensions. This model can be a basis for adjusting the behavior of leaders according to the characteristics of the generation and leadership requirements. The effective leadership of Nesl Zed involves the correct typology of leadership styles and its compatibility with all conditions. However, presenting a single version of Generation Z leadership is a difficult task due to the different platforms, which can be harmful at the same time.


Main Subjects

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