Identifying the risks of Human resource in the country, focusing on civil service management law

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Public Administration and Organizational Science, Faculty of Management, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

2 UT

3 Department of Public Administration, Faculty of Management, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


In the implementation of the civil service management law, there are risks that not paying attention to them will have consequences. Therefore, the current research has been developed to identify the risks of human resources and then provide effective and efficient solutions. This research is trying to manage the consequences of risks by identifying human resource risks to ultimately lead to the improvement of risk management, especially human resource risks. To achieve this goal, the present research was conducted using the thematic analysis method. The current research is a descriptive, analytical and applied qualitative research. Data collection in this research was done based on the library method and then through interviews. There were 13 participants in the interview, all of whom were executive and scientific experts in the country's employment administration and human resources, who were selected by snowball sampling. The data collection tool in this research was the review of previous researches and articles and interviews. The obtained risks included 5 main themes, which are: 1. Programmatic risks 2. Implementation risks 3. Supporting risks 4. Cost risks 5. Regulatory risks
Keywords: civil service management law, human resources, human resources risks, risk, thematic analysis method.


Main Subjects

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