A New Approach to Multilevel Modeling of Human Resource Flourishing

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Faculty of Administrative and Economics university of Isfahan

2 Management department. Faculty of administrative and Economics. university of Isfahan


The present research is intended to design a model for human resources flourishing of faculty members. In this research, the concept of flourishing (simultaneous experience of freshness and learning) was classified into three individual, group, and organizational levels. For the first time we attempted to distinguish flourishing at different levels. This is an applied developmental research using qualitative research method. The statistical population includes faculty members of public universities in Isfahan. The data was collected by semi-structured interviews and thematic analysis is used for data analysis. Delphi's method is used to estimate unknown indices and to reach at experts’ consensus. Then content validity indices are calculated. The results indicated that the prerequisites of flourishing of human resource contained task resources including developmental resources along with the mediating role of personal resources, the prerequisites of group flourishing includes social and team resources along with the mediating role of functional behavior, and organizational flourishing includes cultural resources along with the mediating role of organizational resources. Social and team resources contain the individual, group and organizational flourishing of human resource from the viewpoint of the interviewees.


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